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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Antro Solo from Hungary adds pedal power to hybrids

Among the many hybrid options out there, this may be one of the weirdest. The car fled Hungary solar, gas, electricity and pedal, if necessary, and is expected to be out in 2012. This car combines renewable energy with physical training.

The Antro Solo is also one of the strangest see the cars on the horizon green. It is low-floor clean lines are unusual and a green car. This car is also quite broad. The width is necessary because it is a triple seats. The body of this car is entirely made of carbon fiber makes it extremely easy.

With its light weight and design Antro Solo is able to get about 150 mpg and a top speed of 87 mph. These statistics are excellent for a green car. With this distance and speed, it is much more likely to be a success in North America.

The security feature is unique triple car. Unlike other small hybrids, this car has seats in three rows instead of the first two, a turn on stage. This car is not going to be difficult in the market in countries that drive on the right or left because the driver of this car is in the middle. No need to reorganize the internal controls, depending on whether the market is in England or the United States.

The pedals inside the cabin for passengers in the car. Therefore pedal power the hybrid system. Driving, while the controls in the center, a more appropriate place to fly a plane into a car. This configuration does not place the controls near your thumb and fingers without removing the hand from the steering column.

Now, the most intriguing part of this hybrid, the various electrical systems. Solar panels line the roof of the car to store energy in batteries. The car can go about 9-12 miles of solar energy alone. Not very impressive distance, but the pedals, and a small internal combustion engine vehicle to change the power was to get the car where you are going.

This is certainly one of the most unique cars scheduled to be out two to five years. But not necessarily one of the cheapest. The car is expected to cost about $ 20.000.The several systems are mixed in a way not seen in other hybrids. Adding pedal power combo for a solar-electric-gas is a way to provide backup power emergency crank flashlights.

Just like crank flashlights, you can use the pedals to power the engine when the batteries are low due to bad weather. If the driver is alone, or the passengers are always pedaling, the internal combustion engine comes into play will continue to fuel the machine.

The part of pedal power system allows passengers to trains while driving. With the seat and pedal configuration, this would correspond to a recumbent bike. If you miss a day at the gym, you can run with a second run and exercise on the way.

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